Harrison County Indiana Democrats:

Our Democratic Values

We work for:

Inclusive and safe communities within Harrison County by supporting common-sense gun regulation; decriminalizing cannabis; supporting proactive approaches that reduce factors contributing to crime; supporting protections for our vulnerable populations; supporting improvements to air and water quality and related infrastructure.

Economic Equity by advocating for good-paying jobs; for attainable housing; for equitable access to affordable, high-quality county-wide broadband; for policies that support the average Harrison County household.

Principles of Democracy by supporting candidates and elected officials who use science, facts, transparency, and rule of law; fighting against voter suppression and encouraging civic engagement; protecting access to legal representation, civil liberties, and constitutional rights.

Equitable Education by supporting policies that make Harrison County schools safe, accessible, and affirming to all students; supporting equitable funding that assures educators and students in Harrison County have the materials and facilities they need; keeping our schools free from the interference of outside agencies.

Equitable Access to Health Care by supporting health-care privacy and keeping health care free from government interference; supporting initiatives that increase access to all forms of health care within Harrison County.